# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] [Unreleased]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.11...HEAD ## [v0.4.11] - 2021-12-15 [v0.4.11]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.10...v0.4.11 ### Added - `plan7.HMMFile.read` method to read a single `plan7.HMM` from an `plan7.HMMFile` (instead of using `next`). - `closed` property on `easel.SequenceFile`, `easel.MSAFile` and `plan7.HMMFile` to mark whether a file object is closed. - `plan7.HMMFile.is_pressed` method to check whether a HMM file has associated pressed data. - `plan7.HMMFile.optimized_profiles` methods to read the `plan7.OptimizedProfile` entries in an `plan7.HMMFile` is there are associated pressed data available. - Getters for the `name`, `accession`, `description`, `consensus`, `consensus_structure`, `evalue_parameters` and `cutoffs` properties of a `plan7.OptimizedProfile`. - `plan7.OptimizedProfile.__eq__` implementation to compare two optimized profiles. - `__sizeof__` implementations for `plan7.OptimizedProfile` and `plan7.Profile` to get the allocated size of a profile. ### Fixed - Double-free caused by the Cython cycle breaking feature on several view types (`easel.Randomness`, `easel.Vector`, `easel.Matrix`, `plan7.Cutoffs`, `plan7.EvalueParameters`, `plan7.Offsets`, `plan7.Trace`) - `plan7.Hit.description` using the pointer to the accession string erroneously, causing occasional NULL dereference. - `plan7.OptimizedProfile.copy` performing a shallow copy instead of a deep copy as expected. ### Changed - `pyhmmer.hmmer` type annotations now explicit support for `plan7.Profile` or `plan7.OptimizedProfile` inputs where applicable. ## [v0.4.10] - 2021-12-06 [v0.4.10]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.9...v0.4.10 ### Added - `entropy` and `relative_entropy` methods to `easel.VectorF` to compute the Shannon entropy of a vector and the Kullback-Leibler divergence of two vectors. - `mean_match_entropy`, `mean_match_information` and `mean_match_relative_entropy` methods to `plan7.HMM` to get information statistics of an HMM model. - `match_occupancy` method to `plan7.HMM` to compute the occupancy for each match state as an `easel.VectorF`. ### Fixed - `plan7.Builder.build_msa` using the gap-open and gap-extend probabilities instead of the MSA itself to compute the transition probabilities for the new HMM. ### Changed - `plan7.Builder.build` will now only load the score system once and reuse it unless a different score system is requested between calls. ## [v0.4.9] - 2021-11-11 [v0.4.9]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.8...v0.4.9 ### Added - `plan7.ScoreData` class to store the substitution scores and maximal extensions for a long target search. - `plan7.LongTargetsPipeline` to run searches on targets longer than 100,000 residues. - `Alphabet` methods to check whether an `Alphabet` object is a DNA, RNA, nucleotide or protein alphabet. - `window_length` and `window_beta` arguments to `plan7.Builder` to set the max length of nucleotide `HMM` created by builder objects. ### Changed - `pyhmmer.hmmer.nhmmer` now uses a `LongTargetsPipeline` instead of a `Pipeline` to search the target sequences. - `pyhmmer.hmmer.nhmmer` now supports `HMM` queries in addition to `DigitalSequence` and `DigitalMSA` queries. - `pyhmmer.hmmer.phmmer` now always assumes protein queries. - `Z` and `domZ` attributes of `plan7.TopHits` objects is now read-only. ### Fixed - `nhmmer` now uses DNA as the default alphabet instead of amino acid alphabet like it did before ([#12](https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/issues/12)). ## [v0.4.8] - 2021-10-27 [v0.4.8]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.7...v0.4.8 ### Added - Constructor arguments and properties to `plan7.Pipeline` to support bit score thresholds instead to filter top hits. - Support for creating a `SequenceFile` and an `MSAFile` using a Python file-like object instead of only supporting filenames. - Support for reading individual sequences from an MSA file with `SequenceFile`. - `TextMSA.alignment` to access the actual alignment as a tuple of strings. - Subtraction and division support for `easel.Vector` subclasses ### Changed - `plan7.Cutoffs` now support setting the bit score cutoffs, but requires both to be set or cleared at the same time. - `easel.Vector` will always allocate some memory when created manually to avoid having a special empty case in every vector method. - `pyhmmer.easel.AllocationError` now stores the size it failed to allocate, and the number of elements when allocating an array. ### Fixed - `TextSequence.digitize` will not raise a `ValueError` when the sequence contains invalid characters for the alphabet (previously was an `UnexpectedError`). ## [v0.4.7] - 2021-09-28 [v0.4.7]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.6...v0.4.7 ### Added - `TraceAligner`, `Trace` and `Traces` classes to `pyhmmer.plan7` to get tracebacks after aligning several sequences against an HMM. - `pyhmmer.hmmalign` function with the same features as the `hmmalign` binary from HMMER3. - Support for out-of-band pickling in `easel.Vector` and `easel.Matrix`. ### Changed - Allow creating an empty `Vector` or `Matrix` by calling their constructor without arguments. ### Fixed - Potential unreported exceptions in `plan7.OptimizedProfile.write` and several `plan7.SSIWriter` methods. ## [v0.4.6] - 2021-09-10 [v0.4.6]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.5...v0.4.6 ### Added - `pickle` protocol for `easel.Alphabet`, `easel.Bitfield`, `easel.KeyHash`, `easel.Vector`, `easel.Matrix` and `plan7.HMM`. - `taxonomy_id` and `residue_markups` properties to `easel.Sequence`. - `sum_score` property to `plan7.Hit`. - `plan7.EvalueParameters` class to expose the e-value parameters of a `plan7.HMM` or a `plan7.Profile`. - Equality checks and slicing for `easel.Matrix` and `easel.Vector`. - Support for creating and manipulating zero-sized `easel` matrices and vectors. - `plan7.Cutoffs` class to expose the Pfam score cutoffs of a `plan7.HMM` or a `plan7.Profile`. - Keyword arguments to configure E-value thresholds when creating a `plan7.Pipeline` object. - Support for using model-specific thresholding options in `plan7.Pipeline`. ### Changed - Use the *replace* error handler when decoding error messages to skip potential decoding issues when already building an exception. - Improve `pyhmmer.hmmer` to ensure background threads exit on a `KeyboardInterrupt`. - `easel.VectorU8.__eq__` accepts any object implementing the buffer protocol. - `plan7.HMM.creation_time` now takes and returns a `datetime.datetime` object, assuming the field is only ever set with `asctime`. - Refactor `easel.Vector` and `easel.Matrix` and mark exposed memory as C-contiguous. ### Fixed - `easel.Alphabet` not reporting potential allocation errors. - Potential buffer overflow in `easel.Matrix` and `easel.Vector` when calling `__init__` more than once. ## [v0.4.5] - 2021-07-19 [v0.4.5]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.4...v0.4.5 ### Added - `OptimizedProfile.convert` method to configure an optimized profile from a `Profile` without reallocating a new `P7_OPROFILE` struct. ### Changed - Rewrite the `plan7.Pipeline` search loop to avoid reacquiring the GIL between reference sequences. - Require the reference sequences to be stored in a collection (instead of an iterable) when passing them to the `search_hmm`, `search_msa` and `search_seq` methods of `plan7.Pipeline`. - Avoid reallocating a new `OptimizedProfile` every time a new HMM is passed to `Pipeline.search_hmm`. - Relax the GIL while sorting and thresholding `TopHits` in `Pipeline` search methods. ## [v0.4.4] - 2021-07-07 [v0.4.4]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.3...v0.4.4 ### Added - `ignore_gaps` parameter to `pyhmmer.plan7.SequenceFile`, allowing to skip the gap characters when reading a sequence from an ungapped format. - `__sizeof__` implementation for some - Dedicated check for sequence length before running the platform-specific code in `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline`. ### Fixed - Score system not being set in `pyhmmer.plan7.Builder.build_msa`. - Alphabet not being checked after the first sequence in `Pipeline` search and scan methods. ## [v0.4.3] - 2021-07-03 [v0.4.3]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3 ### Fixed - File object wrappers not reporting exceptions raised when seeking on OSX/BSD platforms. ## [v0.4.2] - 2021-06-20 [v0.4.2]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2 ### Added - `pyhmmer.easel.Randomness` class exposing a deterministic random number generator. - `pyhmmer.plan7.Builder.randomness` and `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline.randomness` attributes exposing the internal random number generator used by each object. - `pyhmmer.plan7.Hit.best_domain` property mapping to the highest scoring domain of a hit. - `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile.rbv` property exposing match scores. - `pyhmmer.plan7.Domain.pvalue` and `pyhmmer.plan7.Hit.pvalue` reporting the p-value for a domain or hit bitscore. ### Fixed - Dimensions of the `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile.sbv` matrix not being properly set. ## [v0.4.1] - 2021-06-06 [v0.4.1]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1 ### Fixed - Main buffer not being freed in `MatrixF.__dealloc__` and `MatrixU8.__dealloc__` when created without owner. ### Added - Additional configuration values for `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline` as both constructor arguments and mutable properties. - `consensus`, `consensus_structure` and `offsets` properties to `pyhmmer.plan7.Profile` objects. ### Changed - Make `OptimizedProfile.ssv_filter` check the alphabet of the given sequence. ## [v0.4.0] - 2021-06-05 - YANKED [v0.4.0]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0 ### Added - Linear algebra primitives to expose 1D (`Vector`) and 2D (`Matrix`) contiguous buffers containing numerical values to `pyhmmer.easel`. - Documentation for the `Z` and `domZ` parameters of the `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline` constructor. - `pyhmmer.errors.AlphabetMismatch` exception deriving from `ValueError` to specifically report mismatching Easel alphabets where applicable. - `scale` and `normalize` methods to `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM` objects. - Property to access `pyhmmer.plan7.Background` residue frequencies as a `VectorF` object. - Property to access `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM` mean residue composition as a `VectorF` object. - Property to access `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM` probabilities and emissions as `MatrixF` objects. - `ssv_filter` methods to `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile` to get the SSV filter score of the profile for a given sequence. - Several additional properties to access the `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile` internals. ### Removed - Unused `report_e` parameter of `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline` constructor. - `pyhmmer.plan7.TopHits.clear` method which could lead to segfault if it was called while a `Hit` is being held. ### Changed - Multithreaded loop in `pyhmmer.hmmer` to reduce memory consumption while still yielding hits in order. - `pyhmmer.easel.DigitalSequence.sequence` property is now a `VectorU8`. ### Fixed - Type annotations in `pyhmmer.hmmer`. - Potential double free in `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM.command_line` property setter. - Minor floating-point precision issues in `pyhmmer.plan7.Builder` constructor. - Segfault in `TextMSA.digitize` caused by `esl_msa_Copy` not digitizing on-the-fly like `esl_sq_Copy`. - Exceptions not being raised in some methods of `pyhmmer.plan7.Profile` and `pyhmmer.plan7.TopHits`. ## [v0.3.1] - 2021-05-08 [v0.3.1]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1 ### Added - `Pipeline.scan_seq` method to query a database of profiles with one or more sequences. - `transition_probabilities`, `match_emissions`, `insert_emissions` properties to the `HMM` class, providing access to the numerical parameters of the HMM. - `consensus_structure` and `consensus_accessibility` properties to the `HMM` class to get consensus lines from the source alignment if the HMM was created from a MSA. - `nseq` and `nseq_effective` properties to the `HMM` class to get the number of training sequences and effective sequences used to build the HMM. ### Changed - `HMM.checksum` is now `None` if the `p7H_CHKSUM` flag is not set. - `Builder` methods will now record `sys.argv` when creating a HMM. ### Fixed - `HMM.write(..., binary=False)` crashing on HMMs without a consensus line. ([#5](https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/issues/5)). Fixed upstream in ([EddyRivasLab/HMMER#236](https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/hmmer/pull/236)). - `Pipeline.reset` mishandling the `Z` and `domZ` values if those were detected from the number of targets. - `pyhmmer.hmmer` functions will not block until all results have been collected anymore when run in multithreaded mode. ## [v0.3.0] - 2021-03-11 [v0.3.0]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.2.2...v0.3.0 ### Added - `easel.MSAFile` to read from a file containing - `accession`, `author`, `name` and `description` properties to `easel.MSA` objects. - `plan7.Builder.build_msa` to build a pHMM from a sequence alignment. - Additional methods to `easel.KeyHash`, allowing to use it as a `dict`/`set` hybrid. - `Sequence.write` and `MSA.write` methods to format a sequence or an alignment to a file handle. - `plan7.TopHist.to_msa` method to convert all the top hits of a query against a database into a multiple sequence alignment. - `easel.MSA.sequences` attribute to access individual sequences of an alignment using the `collections.abc.Sequence` interface. - `easel.DigitalMSA.textize` method to convert a multiple sequence alignment in digital mode to its text-mode counterpart. - Read-only `name`, `accession` and `description` properties to `plan7.Profile` showing attributes inherited from the HMM it was configured with. - `plan7.HMM.consensus` property, allowing to access the consensus sequence of a pHMM. - `plan7.HMM` equality implementation, using zero tolerance. - `plan7.Pipeline.search_msa` to query a MSA against a sequence database. - `easel.Sequence.reverse_complement` method allowing to reverse-complement inplace or to build a copy. - `errors.AlphabetMismatch` exception for use in cases where an alphabet is expected but not matched by the input. - `hmmer.nhmmer` function with the same behaviour as `hmmer.phmmer`, except it expects inputs with a DNA alphabet. ### Fixed - `plan7.Builder.copy` not copying some parameters correctly, causing `pyhmmer.hmmer.phmmer` to give inconsistent results in multithreaded mode. - `easel.Bitfield` not properly handling index overflows. - Documentation not rendering for the `__init__` method of all classes. ### Changed - `plan7.Builder` gap-open and gap-extend probabilities are now set on instantiation and depend on the alphabet type. - Constructors for `easel.TextMSA` and `easel.DigitalMSA`, which can now be given an iterable of `easel.Sequence` objects to store in the alignment. ### Removed - Unimplemented `easel.SequenceFile.fetch` and `easel.SequenceFile.fetchinto` methods. ## [v0.2.2] - 2021-03-04 [v0.2.2]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2 ### Fixed - Linking issues on OSX caused by aggressive stripping of intermediate libraries. - `plan7.Builder` RNG not reseeding between different HMMs. ## [v0.2.1] - 2021-01-29 [v0.2.1]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1 ### Added - `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM.checksum` property to get the 32-bit checksum of an HMM. ## [v0.2.0] - 2021-01-21 [v0.2.0]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.4...v0.2.0 ### Added - `pyhmmer.plan7.Builder` class to handle building a HMM from a sequence. - `Pipeline.search_seq` to query a sequence against a sequence database. - `psutil` dependency to detect the most efficient thread count for `hmmsearch` based on the number of *physical* CPUs. - `pyhmmer.hmmer.phmmer` function to run a search of query sequences against a sequence database. ### Changed - `Pipeline.search` was renamed to `Pipeline.search_hmm` for disambiguation. - `libeasel.random` sequences do not require the GIL anymore. - Public API now have proper signature annotations. ### Fixed - Inaccurate exception messages in `Pipeline.search_hmm`. - Unneeded RNG reallocation, replaced with re-initialisation where possible. - `SequenceFile.__next__` not working after being set in digital mode. - `sequences` argument of `hmmsearch` now only requires a `typing.Collection[DigitalSequence]` instead of a `typing.Collection[Sequence]` (not more `__getitem__` needed). ### Removed - `hits` argument to `Pipeline.search_hmm` to reduce risk of issues with `TopHits` reuse. - Broken alignment coordinates on `Domain` classes. ## [v0.1.4] - 2021-01-15 [v0.1.4]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.3...v0.1.4 ### Added - `DigitalSequence.textize` to convert a digital sequence to a text sequence. - `DigitalSequence.__init__` method allowing to create a digital sequence from any object implementing the buffer protocol. - `Alignment.hmm_accession` property to retrieve the accession of the HMM in an alignment. ## [v0.1.3] - 2021-01-08 [v0.1.3]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3 ### Fixed - Compilation issues in OSX-specific Cython code. ## [v0.1.2] - 2021-01-07 [v0.1.2]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2 ### Fixed - Required Cython files not being included in source distribution. ## [v0.1.1] - 2020-12-02 [v0.1.1]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1 ### Fixed - `HMMFile` calling `file.peek` without arguments, causing it to crash when passed some types, e.g. `gzip.GzipFile`. - `HMMFile` failing to work with PyPy file objects because of a bug with their implementation of `readinto`. - C/Python file object implementation using `strcpy` instead of `memcpy`, causing issues when null bytes were read. ## [v0.1.0] - 2020-12-01 [v0.1.0]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0-a5...v0.1.0 Initial beta release. ### Fixed - `TextSequence` uses the sequence argument it's given on instantiation. - Segmentation fault in `Sequence.__eq__` caused by implicit type conversion. - Segmentation fault on `SequenceFile.read` failure. - Missing type annotations for the `pyhmmer.easel` module. ## [v0.1.0-a5] - 2020-11-28 [v0.1.0-a5]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0-a4...v0.1.0-a5 ### Added - `Sequence.__len__` magic method so that `len(seq)` returns the number of letters in `seq`. - Python file-handle support when opening an `pyhmmer.plan7.HMMFile`. - Context manager protocol to `pyhmmer.easel.SSIWriter`. - Type annotations for `pyhmmer.easel.SSIWriter`. - `add_alias` to `pyhmmer.easel.SSIWriter`. - `write` method to `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile` to write an optimized profile in binary format. - `offsets` property to interact with the disk offsets of a `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile` instance. - `pyhmmer.hmmer.hmmpress` emulating the `hmmpress` binary from HMMER. - `M` property to `pyhmmer.plan7.HMM` exposing the number of nodes in the model. ### Changed - Bumped vendored Easel to `v0.48`. - Bumped vendored HMMER to `v3.3.2`. - `pyhmmer.plan7.HMMFile` will raise an `EOFError` when given an empty file. - Renamed `length` property to `L` in `pyhmmer.plan7.Background`. ### Fixed - Segmentation fault when `close` method of `pyhmmer.easel.SSIWriter` was called more than once. - `close` method of `pyhmmer.easel.SSIWriter` not writing the index contents. ## [v0.1.0-a4] - 2020-11-24 [v0.1.0-a4]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0-a3...v0.1.0-a4 ### Added - `MSA`, `TextMSA` and `DigitalMSA` classes representing a multiple sequence alignment to `pyhmmer.easel`. - Methods and protocol to copy a `Sequence` and a `MSA`. - `pyhmmer.plan7.OptimizedProfile` wrapping a platform-specific optimized profile. - `SSIReader` and `SSIWriter` classes interacting with sequence/subsequence indices to `pyhmmer.easel`. - Exception handler using Python exceptions to report Easel errors. ### Changed - `pyhmmer.hmmsearch` returns an iterator of `TopHits`, with one instance per `HMM` in the input. - `pyhmmer.hmmsearch` properly raises errors happenning in the background threads without deadlock. - `pyhmmer.plan7.Pipeline` recycles memory between `Pipeline.search` calls. ### Fixed - Missing type annotations for the `pyhmmer.errors` module. ### Removed - Unneeded or private methods from `pyhmmer.plan7`. ## [v0.1.0-a3] - 2020-11-19 [v0.1.0-a3]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0-a2...v0.1.0-a3 ### Added - `TextSequence` and `DigitalSequence` representing a `Sequence` in a given mode. - E-value properties to `Hit` and `Domain`. - `TopHits` now stores a reference to the pipeline it was obtained from. - `Pipeline.Z` and `Pipeline.domZ` properties. - Experimental pickling support to `Alphabet`. - Experimental freelist to `Sequence` class to avoid allocation bottlenecks when iterating on a `SequenceFile` without recycling sequence buffers. ### Changed - Made `Sequence` an abstract base class. - Additional `Pipeline` parameters can be passed as keyword arguments to `pyhmmer.hmmsearch`. - `SequenceFile.read` can now be configured to skip reading the metadata or the content of a sequence. ### Removed - Redundant `SequenceFile` methods. ### Fixed - `doctest` loader crashing on Python 3.5. - `TopHits.threshold` segfaulting when being called without prior `Tophits.sort` call - Unknown `format` argument to `SequenceFile` constructor not raising the right error. ## [v0.1.0-a2] - 2020-11-12 [v0.1.0-a2]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/v0.1.0-a1...v0.1.0-a2 ### Added - Support for compilation on PowerPC big-endian platforms. - Type annotations and stub files for Cython modules. ### Changed - [`distutils`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/distutils.html) is now used to compile the package, instead of calling `autotools` and letting HMMER configure itself. - `Bitfield.count` now allows passing an argument (for compatibility with [`collections.abc.Sequence`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Sequence)). ## [v0.1.0-a1] - 2020-11-10 [v0.1.0-a1]: https://github.com/althonos/pyhmmer/compare/fe4c279...v0.1.0-a1 Initial alpha release (test deployment to PyPI).