
This page references recipes for common operations for the PyHMMER API, similarly to the itertools recipes from the Python documentation.

Loading multiple HMMs#

An adapter for loading several HMMFile objects into a single object to pass to .


The original implementation proposed by Zachary Kurtz in #24, which was failing when too many file-descriptors where open on some OS (#48), was updated to keep at most a single file open at a time.

import contextlib
import itertools
import os
import typing

from pyhmmer.plan7 import HMMFile, HMM

class HMMFiles(typing.Iterable[HMM]):
    def __init__(self, *files: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]):
        self.files = files

    def __iter__(self):
        for file in self.files:
            with HMMFile(file) as hmm_file:
                yield from hmm_file

To use it with hmmsearch, simply create a HMMFiles object with the paths for the different HMM files to concatenate. They will be read in the order given as argument.

import pyhmmer
from pyhmmer.easel import SequenceFile

with SequenceFile("data/seqs/938293.PRJEB85.HG003687.faa", digital=True) as sequences:
    targets = sequences.read_block()

hmm_files = HMMFiles("data/hmms/txt/PKSI-AT.hmm", "data/hmms/txt/LuxC.hmm")
all_hits = list(pyhmmer.hmmsearch(hmm_files, targets))

print("HMMs searched:", len(all_hits))
print("Hits found:   ", sum(len(hits) for hits in all_hits))
HMMs searched: 2
Hits found:    2

If your filenames are stored in a list, just use the splat operator to unpack it:

filenames = ["data/hmms/txt/PKSI-AT.hmm", "data/hmms/txt/LuxC.hmm"]
hmm_files = HMMFiles(*filenames)